En un salón romántico

 Saturday, June 15, 2024

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En un salón romántico

Miriam Gómez-Morán (Piano)

6 reviews
Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid
Freiburg im Breisgau: Hochschule für Musik Freiburg

Concert in a house

La casa de Luna

#Weber #Beethoven #Liszt


Schubertiades are intimate concerts held in private homes, offering an informal atmosphere to experience music in a new way.

Small talk about the concert. The musician will explain the program before the concert begins. (5 minutes)
Concert. Please see the 'Concert programme' section for a full program description (1 hour)
Glass of wine or soft drink. Enjoy a glass of wine or soft drink after the concert (courtesy of the host) to socialize and get to know the audience, the musician and the host (30 minutes)

Concert programme

Recital de piano



C. M. von Weber

Invitación a la danza

L. van Beethoven

Sonata op. 27 nº 2 “Claro de luna”


F. Liszt


Gran fantasía sobre motivos de Niobé

  La casa de Luna

6 reviews

  Miriam Gómez-Morán

6 reviews

Miriam Gómez-Morán, piano


Alan Walker, author of the 3-volume prize-winning biography of Liszt, has said of her: "I was deeply impressed with her Liszt recital. Her performance of the "Weinen, Klagen" Variations was a tour de force, while her interpretation of the formidable "Vallée d'Obermann" was the best that I have ever heard. It was not just a matter of technique, which she possesses in abundance. One was aware that a true artist presided at the keyboard".

 Born in Madrid in 1974, Miriam Gómez-Morán began studying piano at the age of eleven at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música in her hometown, where she graduated as Higher Piano Teacher in 1994 as a student of C. Deleito, M. Carra, J. L. Turina and J. M. Benavente. During this period, she received frequent advice from J. Colom. In 1992, she moved to Budapest for a four-year postgraduate course at the Liszt Academy of Music under the guidance of F. Rados, K. Zempléni, K. Botvay and Zs. Serei. From 1998 to 2000, she studied fortepiano and harpsichord at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg with R. Hill and M. Behringer, and piano with T. Szász. She also had lessons from V. J. Frey. She obtained the degrees of Musiklehrer (2000) and Künstlerische Ausbildung (2002), majoring in Historical Keyboard Instruments. In 2019 she earned her PhD at the University of Valladolid with the dissertation Franz Liszt’s Performance Practice of his Piano Works through the Testimony of his Students

Prizewinner in several national and international competitions, she has maintained a growing concert schedule since the age of twelve, with frequent performances in Europe, North America and Asia. In addition to her appearances as soloist in recital and with orchestra, she often performs in chamber and contemporary music groups –especially with hornist Javier Bonet–.

Miriam Gómez-Morán has premiered works by composers such as J. L. Turina, R. Groba, C. Camarero, V. Roncero, I. Zitella, A. Trapero, M. Bustamante, S. Brotons, C. Cano, F. Zacarés, M. Á. Tallante and J. Colomer. 

          She has recorded several albums as a soloist that have been highly praised by critics: Liszt's complete Années de Pélerinage (IBS Classical), Liszt: Piano Works (Verso) and a CD in the Complete Piano Sonatas by Mozart, issued by the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. A disc for IBS Classical with three of the most celebrated piano sonatas by Beethoven will be released later this year. Additionally, she has made five more CDs with hornist Javier Bonet (Arsis, Ex-Audio and IBS Classical).

Ms. Gómez-Morán is the author of several articles on Music in specialized publications. Since 2000, she is Professor of Piano at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Castilla y León.