How does it work?

Earn money hosting concerts

Schubertiades are intimate concerts held in private homes, offering an informal atmosphere to experience music in a new way.

You don't need a big space: just a room with a grand piano that can fit at least 10 people, either sitting, standing or on the floor with cushions.

Add your space now and start receiving offers from musicians!

Schubertiades are intimate concerts held in private homes, offering an informal atmosphere to experience music in a new way.

Small talk about the concert. The musician will explain the program before the concert begins. (5 minutes)
Concert. Please see the 'Concert programme' section for a full program description (1 hour)
Glass of wine or soft drink. Enjoy a glass of wine or soft drink after the concert (courtesy of the host) to socialize and get to know the audience, the musician and the host (30 minutes)

It is totally free to host a Schubertiade.

Yes, after the Schubertiade, we split the ticket money. Take a look at the revenue share here

Simply register your space, and you will receive offers from musicians to do concerts at your home. You can accept or reject the offers.

No payment is required upfront. Our website collects the cost of admission and once the Schubertiade is over, we will directly pay the host and the musicians.

No, our system will generate the electronic tickets and carry out all the procedures.

The promotion of the concert is a joint effort between the musician, the host and Schubertiades. Obviously, the musician is the one who has the greatest responsibility for promoting the concert, among his followers and potential new audiences.

Yes, it is necessary to have a grand piano to become a host.

Host Unforgettable Concerts with Schubertiades

Financial Reward. As a host, you'll receive 41% of the concert ticket sales, providing you a lucrative way to earn extra income while enjoying professional live music.

Create Memorable Experiences. Intimate concerts provide an cozy atmosphere where guests can engage with the performers on a personal level. Share stories, ask questions, and connect with fellow music lovers in a relaxed and welcoming environment.

Streamlined Check-In Process. When the audience arrive for the concert, you can easily scan their QR code tickets using a mobile device. This streamlined check-in process ensures a smooth and efficient entry for all attendees, allowing you to focus on enjoying the concert experience without any hassle.

Revenue split

The musician creates a concert in his own home

The musician creates a concert in one of our hosts' venues

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