Reviews of Schubertiades

Eva Simó


6 reviews


Sunday, December 17, 2023

Albert L’experiència personificada. Eva m’ha fet vibrar en la gran varietat d’autors i estils. Gràcies !

Josep Maria Esteve El vaig disfrutar molt: Molt variat i molt treballat, amb peçes dificils que va tocar molt be. Tornarem!

Miguel Sencillamente magistral


Sunday, November 19, 2023

Josep M. Buxó Molt bona. Un bon record. Espero repetir un concert similar.

Iveta Eva brought us on a journey of diversity, with so many colors, emotions, and discoveries that were present in her professional performance. I loved the small introduction before each of the pieces she played. I was touched by the beautiful contrasts and her professionalism and passion for her performance. The intimate atmosphere and closeness with the pianist added meaning to the concert. It was exciting to observe while Eva was playing, I was impressed by her expression for each piece taking into account the wide diversity of the repertoire. Absolute beauty and very inspirational.

Montserrat Extraordinària. Es un gran plaer poder escoltar música en petits espais i amb poca gent.