Born in Tirana in 2001, Rejsi Prosi started her piano journey at the Artistic Lyceum in 2007. Her commitment to musical excellence led her to the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Austria, where she continues to refine her craft under esteemed mentors, such as Prof. Libor Novacek and Prof. Eike Straub.
Rejsi has earned recognition in various competitions across Europe, securing top honors in Macedonia, Albania, where notably, she was awarded the "Tirana Talent" prize. Earning her acclaim in international competitions in Italy, Slovenia and the Czech Republic. In December 2022 she was awarded the first prize in a prestigious competition in France. Another crowning achievement was being the first prize winner of the Golden Classical Music Awards, and performing at Carnegie Hall in March 2023.
Rejsi has been part of enriching masterclass-festivals in Malta, Germany, Austria, and has been a consistent participant at Pianodrom in Albania, nurturing her musical sensibilities.
Viu concerts íntims i inoblidables en entorns únics, des de sales d'estar acollidores fins a petits estudis amb encant, on músics i amfitrions es reuneixen per crear moments màgics a través de la música.