Riccardo Roveda

Milano - Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi

Riccardo Roveda is an electronic and piano producer from Milan. From a young age, he has shown a great passion for music and decided to undertake private studies in classical, jazz, and electronics at the Academy of sound in Milan, later following the compositional study at the prestigious Educational Musica Academy with maestro Roberto Cacciapaglia. His training has allowed him to develop a great versatility in style and create a unique and original sound characterized by chill electronic and modern classic style.

His sound is a blend of classical and electronic melodies, creating a unique experience for listeners.

Riccardo has performed in many concerts in Italy, showing his talent as a musician and his ability to involve the audience. His particular style has been highly appreciated by the public and critics, who have praised him for his originality and creativity.

His project is available on all musical platforms and it is published with believe label.


Viu concerts íntims i inoblidables en entorns únics, des de sales d'estar acollidores fins a petits espais amb encant, on músics i amfitrions es reuneixen per crear moments màgics a través de la música.